Professor at Ecole Normale Supérieure
Laboratoire Kastler Brossel
Collège de France, 11 place Marcelin Berthelot, 75005 Paris
+33 1 44 27 13 41
Short CV
From 2023 | Professor at Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris |
2022- | Junior member of Institut universitaire de France |
2020 | Habilitation à diriger des recherches (accreditation to direct research) Quantum-enhanced sensing and topological matter with ultracold dysprosium atoms (.pdf) Ecole Normale Supérieure, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Paris |
2011-2023 | Assistant professor at Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris |
2010-2011 | Post-doctorate fellow at Max Planck Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany (group of I. Bloch) |
2006-2010 | PhD under the supervision of C. Salomon and F. Chevy Thermodynamics of ultracold Fermi gases (.pdf) Ecole Normale Supérieure, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Paris |
Research activities
Ultracold Dysprosium gases (Quantum-enhanced sensing, simulation of the quantum Hall effect)
Ultracold Rubidium gases (2D Bose gases, spin mixtures)
2018-2023 | Coordinator of the project TOPODY, Exploring topological matter with atomic Dysprosium ERC Starting grant |
2016-2017 | Coordinator of the project MAFAG, Searching for Majorana fermions in ultracold atomic gases PSL research university, collaboration with C. Mora |
Teaching ressources can be accessed here.
J.-B. Bouhiron, A. Fabre, Q. Liu, Q. Redon, N. Mittal, T. Satoor, R. Lopes, and S. Nascimbene, Realization of an atomic quantum Hall system in four dimensions, ArXiv:2210.06322, Science 384, 223 (2024).
A. Fabre and S. Nascimbene, Atomic topological quantum matter using synthetic dimensions, EPL 145, 65001 (2024).
S. Nascimbene and J. Dalibard, Emergence of a Landau level structure in dark optical lattices, arXiv:2412.15038.
A. Nardin, R. Lopes, M. Rizzi, L. Mazza, and S. Nascimbene, Bisognano-Wichmann Hamiltonian for the entanglement spectroscopy of fractional quantum Hall states, ArXiv:2312.07604 (2023).
Q. Redon, Q. Liu, J.-B. Bouhiron, N. Mittal, A. Fabre, R. Lopes, and S. Nascimbene, Realizing the entanglement Hamiltonian of a topological quantum Hall system, ArXiv:2307.06251 (2023).
G. Chauveau, C. Maury, F. Rabec, C. Heintze, G. Brochier, S. Nascimbene, J. Dalibard, J. Beugnon, S. M. Roccuzzo, and S. Stringari, Superfluid Fraction in an Interacting Spatially Modulated Bose-Einstein Condensate, Arxiv:2302.01776, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 226003 (2023).
C. Maury, B. Bakkali-Hassani, G. Chauveau, F. Rabec, S. Nascimbene, J. Dalibard, and J. Beugnon, Precision measurement of atom-dimer interaction in a uniform planar Bose gas, ArXiv:2211.05049, Phys. Rev. Research 5, L012020 (2023).
B. Bakkali-Hassani, C. Maury, S. Stringari, S. Nascimbene, J. Dalibard, and J. Beugnon, The cross-over from Townes solitons to droplets in a 2D Bose mixture, ArXiv:2207.06939, New J. Phys. 25, 013007 (2023).
A. Fabre, J.-B. Bouhiron, T. Satoor, R. Lopes, and S. Nascimbene, Laughlin's Topological Charge Pump in an Atomic Hall Cylinder, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 173202 (2022).
A. Fabre, J.-B. Bouhiron, T. Satoor, R. Lopes, and S. Nascimbene, Simulating two-dimensional dynamics within a large-size atomic spin, Phys. Rev. A 105, 013301 (2022).
T. Satoor, A. Fabre, J.-B. Bouhiron, A. Evrard, R. Lopes, and S. Nascimbene, Partitioning dysprosium's electronic spin to reveal entanglement in nonclassical states, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043001 (2021).
B. Bakkali-Hassani, C. Maury, Y.-Q. Zou, É. Le Cerf, R. Saint-Jalm, P. C. M. Castilho, S. Nascimbene, J. Dalibard, and J. Beugnon, Realization of a Townes Soliton in a Two-Component Planar Bose Gas, ArXiv:2103.01605, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 023603 (2021).
Y.-Q. Zou, É. Le Cerf, B. Bakkali-Hassani, C. Maury, G. Chauveau, P. C. M. Castilho, R. Saint-Jalm, S. Nascimbene, J. Dalibard, and J. Beugnon, Optical control of the density and spin spatial profiles of a planar Bose gas, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54, 08LT01 (2021).
Y.-Q. Zou, B. Bakkali-Hassani, C. Maury, É. Le Cerf, S. Nascimbene, J. Dalibard, and J. Beugnon, Tan's two-body contact across the superfluid transition of a planar Bose gas, Nat Commun 12, 760 (2021).
L. Barbiero, L. Chomaz, S. Nascimbene, and N. Goldman, Bose-Hubbard physics in synthetic dimensions from interaction Trotterization, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043340 (2020).
Y.-Q. Zou, B. Bakkali-Hassani, C. Maury, É. Le Cerf, S. Nascimbene, J. Dalibard, and J. Beugnon, Magnetic Dipolar Interaction between Hyperfine Clock States in a Planar Alkali Bose Gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 233604 (2020).
T. Chalopin, T. Satoor, A. Evrard, V. Makhalov, J. Dalibard, R. Lopes, and S. Nascimbene, Probing chiral edge dynamics and bulk topology of a synthetic Hall system, Nat. Phys. 16, 1017 (2020).
V. Makhalov, T. Satoor, A. Evrard, T. Chalopin, R. Lopes, and S. Nascimbene, Probing Quantum Criticality and Symmetry Breaking at the Microscopic Level, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 120601 (2019).
R. Saint-Jalm, P. C. M. Castilho, É. Le Cerf, B. Bakkali-Hassani, J.-L. Ville, S. Nascimbene, J. Beugnon, and J. Dalibard, Dynamical Symmetry and Breathers in a Two-Dimensional Bose Gas, Phys. Rev. X 9, 021035 (2019).
A. Evrard, V. Makhalov, T. Chalopin, L. A. Sidorenkov, J. Dalibard, R. Lopes, and S. Nascimbene, Enhanced Magnetic Sensitivity with Non-Gaussian Quantum Fluctuations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 173601 (2019).
T. Chalopin, V. Makhalov, C. Bouazza, A. Evrard, A. Barker, M. Lepers, J.-F. Wyart, O. Dulieu, J. Dalibard, R. Lopes, and S. Nascimbene, Anisotropic light shift and magic polarization of the intercombination line of dysprosium atoms in a far-detuned dipole trap, Phys. Rev. A 98, 040502 (2018).
J. L. Ville, R. Saint-Jalm, É. Le Cerf, M. Aidelsburger, S. Nascimbène, J. Dalibard, and J. Beugnon, Sound Propagation in a Uniform Superfluid Two-Dimensional Bose Gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 145301 (2018).
R. Saint-Jalm, M. Aidelsburger, J. L. Ville, L. Corman, Z. Hadzibabic, D. Delande, S. Nascimbene, N. Cherroret, J. Dalibard, and J. Beugnon, Resonant-light diffusion in a disordered atomic layer, Phys. Rev. A 97, 061801 (2018).
T. Chalopin, C. Bouazza, A. Evrard, V. Makhalov, D. Dreon, J. Dalibard, L. A. Sidorenkov, and S. Nascimbene, Quantum-enhanced sensing using non-classical spin states of a highly magnetic atom, Nat Commun 9, 4955 (2018).
M. Aidelsburger, S. Nascimbene, and N. Goldman, Artificial gauge fields in materials and engineered systems, Comptes Rendus Physique 19, 394 (2018).
L. Corman, J. L. Ville, R. Saint-Jalm, M. Aidelsburger, T. Bienaimé, S. Nascimbène, J. Dalibard, and J. Beugnon, Transmission of near-resonant light through a dense slab of cold atoms, Phys. Rev. A 96, 053629 (2017).
M. Aidelsburger, J. L. Ville, R. Saint-Jalm, S. Nascimbène, J. Dalibard, and J. Beugnon, Relaxation Dynamics in the Merging of N Independent Condensates, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 190403 (2017).
D. Dreon, L. A. Sidorenkov, C. Bouazza, W. Maineult, J. Dalibard, and S. Nascimbene, Optical cooling and trapping of highly magnetic atoms: the benefits of a spontaneous spin polarization, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50, 065005 (2017).
J. L. Ville, T. Bienaimé, R. Saint-Jalm, L. Corman, M. Aidelsburger, L. Chomaz, K. Kleinlein, D. Perconte, S. Nascimbène, J. Dalibard, and J. Beugnon, Loading and compression of a single two-dimensional Bose gas in an optical accordion, Phys. Rev. A 95, 013632 (2017).
H. Li, J.-F. Wyart, O. Dulieu, S. Nascimbène, and M. Lepers, Optical Trapping of Ultracold Dysprosium Atoms: Transition Probabilities, Dynamic Dipole Polarizabilities and van Der Waals C 6 Coefficients, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50, 014005 (2017).
J. Zhang, J. Beugnon, and S. Nascimbene, Creating fractional quantum Hall states with atomic clusters using light-assisted insertion of angular momentum, Phys. Rev. A 94, 043610 (2016).
S. Nascimbene, N. Goldman, N. R. Cooper, and J. Dalibard, Dynamic Optical Lattices of Subwavelength Spacing for Ultracold Atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 140401 (2015).
M. Aidelsburger, M. Lohse, C. Schweizer, M. Atala, J. T. Barreiro, S. Nascimbène, N. R. Cooper, I. Bloch, and N. Goldman, Measuring the Chern number of Hofstadter bands with ultracold bosonic atoms, Nature Phys 11, 162 (2015).
L. Chomaz, L. Corman, T. Bienaimé, R. Desbuquois, C. Weitenberg, S. Nascimbène, J. Beugnon, and J. Dalibard, Emergence of coherence via transverse condensation in a uniform quasi-two-dimensional Bose gas, Nat Commun 6, 6162 (2015).
L. Corman, L. Chomaz, T. Bienaimé, R. Desbuquois, C. Weitenberg, S. Nascimbène, J. Dalibard, and J. Beugnon, Quench-Induced Supercurrents in an Annular Bose Gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 135302 (2014).
R. Desbuquois, T. Yefsah, L. Chomaz, C. Weitenberg, L. Corman, S. Nascimbène, and J. Dalibard, Determination of Scale-Invariant Equations of State without Fitting Parameters: Application to the Two-Dimensional Bose Gas Across the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 020404 (2014).
N. Navon, S. Nascimbène, X. Leyronas, F. Chevy, and C. Salomon, Condensation energy of a spin-1/2 strongly interacting Fermi gas, Phys. Rev. A 88, 063614 (2013).
S. Nascimbène, Realizing one-dimensional topological superfluids with ultracold atomic gases, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 134005 (2013).
S. Nascimbène, Y.-A. Chen, M. Atala, M. Aidelsburger, S. Trotzky, B. Paredes, and I. Bloch, Experimental Realization of Plaquette Resonating Valence-Bond States with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Superlattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 205301 (2012).
I. Bloch, J. Dalibard, and S. Nascimbène, Quantum simulations with ultracold quantum gases, Nature Phys 8, 267 (2012).
M. Aidelsburger, M. Atala, S. Nascimbène, S. Trotzky, Y.-A. Chen, and I. Bloch, Experimental Realization of Strong Effective Magnetic Fields in an Optical Lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 255301 (2011).
M. Aidelsburger, M. Atala, S. Nascimbène, S. Trotzky, Y.-A. Chen, and I. Bloch, Experimental Realization of Strong Effective Magnetic Fields in an Optical Lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 255301 (2011).
Y.-A. Chen, S. Nascimbène, M. Aidelsburger, M. Atala, S. Trotzky, and I. Bloch, Controlling Correlated Tunneling and Superexchange Interactions with ac-Driven Optical Lattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 210405 (2011).
S. Nascimbène, N. Navon, S. Pilati, F. Chevy, S. Giorgini, A. Georges, and C. Salomon, Fermi-Liquid Behavior of the Normal Phase of a Strongly Interacting Gas of Cold Atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 215303 (2011).
F. Chevy, S. Nascimbène, N. Navon, K. Jiang, C. Lobo, and C. Salomon, Thermodynamics of the unitary Fermi gas, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 264, 012012 (2011).
S. Nascimbène, N. Navon, F. Chevy, and C. Salomon, The equation of state of ultracold Bose and Fermi gases: a few examples, New J. Phys. 12, 103026 (2010).
N. Navon, S. Nascimbene, F. Chevy, and C. Salomon, The Equation of State of a Low-Temperature Fermi Gas with Tunable Interactions, Science 328, 729 (2010).
S. Nascimbène, N. Navon, K. J. Jiang, F. Chevy, and C. Salomon, Exploring the thermodynamics of a universal Fermi gas, Nature 463, 1057 (2010).
S. Nascimbène, N. Navon, K. J. Jiang, L. Tarruell, M. Teichmann, J. McKeever, F. Chevy, and C. Salomon, Collective Oscillations of an Imbalanced Fermi Gas: Axial Compression Modes and Polaron Effective Mass, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 170402 (2009).
F. Werner, G. Beaume, A. Hobeika, S. Nascimbène, C. Herrmann, F. Caupin, and S. Balibar, Liquid Helium up to 160 bar, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 136, 93 (2004).