Raphael Lopes (CNRS Researcher)

Short CV
Since 2018: Research scientist at CNRS
2015-2018: Postdoc at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge UK in Zoran Hadzibabic’s group
2012-2015: Ph.D. at Institut d’Optique, Palaiseau, France:  An atomic Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment (see also Prix Daniel Guinier 2015 )


Main topic: quantum gases & many-body physics

Ongoing projects :
 Ultracold Dysprosium gases
 Mixture in mixed dimensions

Coordinator of the Mix2Dim project (funding ANR-JCJC) 2021 – 2025


Teaching activities

  • Ultracold atoms (2023)
  1. TD1- Sagnac
  2. TD2 – Laser cooling
  3. TD3 – Sisyphus
  4. TD4 – Expansion
  5. TD5 – Phase coherence
  6. TD6 – Quantum depletion
  7. TD7 – Vortices
  8. TD8 – Breathing mode Fermi Gas
  9. TD9 – Bloch Oscillations